
Darkest dungeon brothel quotes
Darkest dungeon brothel quotes

Seeing them huddled around the fire and trying to bolster morale/heal each other for the coming battle is strangely touching, and if none of them are doing poorly or overly stressed, their dialogue is filled with hope that their quest will be successful or gratefulness that they have such stalwart companions at their side.

  • Camping can be this depending on how well your party is doing.
  • Collecting grain from the Warrens for the Hamlet's people will end with the Ancestor declaring that "The soldiers will feast tonight!" and the next week having the "Bumper Crop" modifier where the citizens are so grateful for the food stability you've guaranteed that they'll provide you with provisions free of charge.
  • After years of being on the verge of collapse and tended only by one lonely caretaker, the first victories of your adventurers help breathe life into the place again.

    darkest dungeon brothel quotes

    Completing a few quests early in the game unlocks more of the Hamlet.

    darkest dungeon brothel quotes

  • A Houndmaster that is afflicted in general is no less caring about his dog, even when Selfish or Abusive, and his Heroic BSoD portrait shows him fearfully cuddling her.

  • Darkest dungeon brothel quotes